Creative explorations of natural phenomena. Leaves and food colouring as inspiration for artwork.

Creative explorations of  natural phenomena. Leaves and food colouring as inspiration for artwork.

The introduction of a camera and IPads to support investigations in the natural world were very well accepted by children aged 3 yrs to 6yrs. 
Initially drawn by their natural curiosity of modern technological apparatus, the children discovered a new dimension of the world around them when investigating leaf structure and dyes. 
The swirly patterns made by an eye droppers and the capillary network of leaves set their imagination on fire. Comments on leaf structure were full of insights. 
" Those lines look like roads, busy ones like the one mum drives on in the morning."
 "They are all over! It's for the leaf to be strong." 
The dyes leaf them dumbstruck as they saw the colour dance down to the bottom of the cup. 
" Colour can move like us." "It is like people that go under water."
"Who is pushing the drop down?" 
"If you count to 10 you can see all the colour."

Seeing and listening to the beauty of first investigations in what we call our world proves that as humans have an encyclopedic inheritance of acquired knowledge that is carried along in each generation. 
What we need to work on is allowing this ancestral drive to make its course with out interfering. Knowledge that is implemented and built on naturally carries meaning and use. Taking time to let it unfurl allows passion, enthusiasm and induces respect. 
Too often this journey is interrupted and modified to suit needs not yet needed. 
Rather than testing we should work on use, rather than exams we should work on applicability. 
Educere= draw out. Kairos= at the appropriate time.

If you listen to young kids they unfurl theories on biology, chemistry, physics, medical science, philosophy, history, art, maths and also invent new words. 
Too often adults set times and boundaries that divert interests killing curiosity.
Let there be more alignment in education.
All photos and drawings done by the children in Holly's Think Tank.


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