Drawing with scissors. Imagination running along a couple of blades.

Drawing with scissors. Imagination running along a couple of blades.

As the imagination ignites with a few simple words and lots of freedom to wander Year 2 children (6-7yrs old) have let loose using strips of paper that at one point were heading for the bin.
Each collage demonstrates how individuality reads and interprets the few simple words that can be described as the starting point.

" Lets draw with scissors and lets give these left over pieces of paper new meaning. You can do whatever you like."

When everyone completed their work we shared the beauty of the results and if anyone felt like sharing their experience they could. Some explanations were lengthy other very concise and a few had no words....the inspiration was over ready to run off on another artwork.

Working with children allows me to listen with my eyes, and mind to the unfurling of our creative genius, that invisible presence that shares our life and is always ready to instill wisdom, modern and ancestral. 


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