Light Narratives.The lights that lead to an adventure. Comment by a Year 1 child

Light Narratives Atelierista Exhibition 2018

The lights that lead to an adventure. 


How the adventure began.
This experience started when an old flexi light tube was proposed as a narrative initiator.
The tube was laid on the mat around the tin stools. As the children arrived questions jumped around. The tube was experimented with to see its potentials. Surprise and excitement started a discussion on what could be done with the lights.
Each year group came up with different proposals that were shared with all the subgroups in their class year.
Ideas were further discussed and additional material proposed.  The children chose the loose parts according to their vision after exploring the potentials of the materials available .
They started working on their creations. As each group worked on the shared piece they enjoyed to see the progress and the freedom of interpretation that each child brought adding new possibilities and narratives.
 The concept wants to draw attention to  the creative  versatility of children across the age groups. One material many visions.
In the second phase when the project was reintroduced all groups were very happy to either continue or change the theme of the narrative.
As the project evolved the children saw the light as the outline of a narrative and suggested to add material that would specify the nature of the single projects in detail.

In Year 1 the lights became a significant concept in their theme- the brain- and became a process of detailed inquiry. They noticed that the lights could explain the functions of the brain as their flow changed. Three light effects became important in their interpretation of what happens when the brain "thinks". Language became a tool of expression .

While working on the cloud, rain became an integral part. Materials were chosen to create the “wet” effect and while selecting it the question of what colour is rain surfaced. As the children selected beads and buttons of “rain” colour which was quite open to interpretation a child stated that we were making Ridiculous Rain as it only rains dark blue at night. Another child said that rain changes colour when it falls down and it turns into the rainbow.

Experimenting with the potential expression of the light tube took a while and it went through phases of quiet observation, testing of flexibility and physical imitation of the light effects to land on the common idea of a caterpillar which actually was renamed CAMOBILLAR. A hairy, attentive athletic creature that wears fashionable items.
The children immediately saw it as an interesting object looking at the lights and noticing the shape of it. They then asked for their favourite toy, cars. It immediately clicked that it was a road. So off went the wroom.. and zooms and crash! They used all the materials they were accustomed to such as tins and tubes to create a city.

Selection of comments by the children on their 

Light Narrative installation.

Year 1 Light Narratives in Neuroscience
When the lights flash, it is when you have an idea.
When they flow, you are thinking.
When and when they go on and off quickly the brain is confused. It happens a little at school.
When they are off the brain is sleeping but it wakes up when you dream.

Reception - Light Narratives in Meteorology
This is Ridiculous Rain! It can’t rain different colours of rain only dark blue at night.
Rain changes colour when it falls down to make a rainbow.

Pre-School - Light Narratives in Natural Science
The lights look like a Camobillar! No!! It’s called a CATERPILLAR in English.
It can’t walk without shoes. We can give it ours.

Nursery - light Narratives in Urban Engineering
Vroom…. Beep …..
We need to give them a road in the sky so that they can go far.
Follow the lights….home.



Second Exhibition in the sister school. 

Different children different staging to reflect the identity of the a different community linked to a common project.


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