Online learning in the Early Years during Covid-19

Online learning in the Early Years during Covid-19

The word that walks along my fingertips and spills onto paper is "challenge" for all....families and teachers.
Being forced to move so quickly online has eradicated us from our reality and has send us into an outer space atmosphere just like a sci-fi film. What measures were taken? Video inspirations that can possibly keep up the children's imagination and keep the exploratory journey going. Here families are asked to join when possible and however possible allowing them to step inside an unusual school activity that might find fertile ground at home.
May these videos inspire, propose and allow creativity and Imagination to keep flowing.
Read more here here 

May these videos inspire, propose and allow creativity and Imagination to keep flowing.

                                                                          Petal Pictures

                                                  How would you move if you were a colour?

                                                              Can glasses be like windows?


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